Thursday, August 14, 2008

Green, green, green.

Once through, travelling along the channel all was serene, and most impressive. Flat dark water, craggy cliffs and volcanic mountains shrouded in cloud with various shades of green in bands of colour along the banks and up the cliffs; dark green opaque water, lime green fringing mangroves, dark green tropical rainforest and, as your eyes go higher, the typical green of an Australian eucalyptus woodland. Looking over to mainland Australia, the clouds caused an ever changing pattern of light and dark green over the mountainous terrain. Occasionally there was a tall tree such as a young child would draw having a thick pale trunk with a dark green round ball of leaves on top, perhaps the now rare pink bloodwood.

I know crocodiles inhabit the channel as I saw one with just the tip of its snout and two eyes above the water and its dark shape underneath. The extensive mudflats and mangroves are an ideal habitat for them so definitely no exploring in the inflatable dinghy. The presence of crocodiles would be why all the fishing boats are tinnies.
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